Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 2 Discussion _1_ Managing Organizational Change

Week 2 Discussion _1_ Managing Organizational Change

Q Q2. Depending on how you scored in this area: What is it like to be an introvert/extrovert? What do you think it is like to be a member of the opposite type (introvert/extrovert)? List what you think are pluses and minuses for the opposite type.What are questions you have always had for members of this opposite type?How you think these characteristics might affect your decision-making process? How might they affect your performance in a team? How might they affect your problem-solving style?

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I am quite comfortable as an extrovert. I like to talk to people. I have a little bit of anger issue but I am working on it. I don’t react then and there. This was a problem with me till a few years back , but now I know that not every situation deserve an instant reaction.I am extrovert and I know the advantages of being one. I feel that introvert find it difficult to communicate if the surrounding is not conducive enough. I think introverts are misjudged sometimes and they are branded egoistic. My point is that they are very often misunderstood.